Wednesday, April 16, 2014

to-do lists

- buy bucket
- buy rag
- mop

I used to have to-do lists that took up a complete page in a steno notebook, full of things that needed to be done before a ten o'clock meeting. Clients to email, files to review, documentation to process, updates to the pipeline to be made... Now the only task in my day is mopping the floor, which has to be done on hand and knee due to the bowing of the reclaimed boards used on our floors. On the bright side, I have alllllll daaaaaaaay to do it. So I can avoid it for another five hours, at the very least. And I'm suddenly agreeing with Husband on the merits of carpet versus hardwood floors.

(Other items on the long range to-do list: find new house to rent. get job. register for a half marathon to get my butt back into running. Short, but the first 2/3rds of that list is rather imposing.)

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