Sunday, May 4, 2014

Seven Quick Takes

I've been catching up on the goings on at Camp Patton for a little while now, and miss Grace the Hilarious has inspired me to do one of these - my brain is a little haywire right now so I think we'll all be happier if I limit my self expression.

1. Kayaking - we went on a kayaking trip down the Congaree River today. The team at Adventure Carolina was awesome, and we really enjoyed the excursion. We'll be going back next week while some friends are in town; this trip was a pretty mild three mile course, so we might go for the more adventurous Saluda River trip that includes rapids (if our guests are familiar with kayaking, that is).

2. Paleo diet - husband is on a Paleo kick lately. He's hoping to make it a new lifestyle versus a thirty day whim, we'll see how long we last. I have a few pent-up rants on the subject, namely that the Paleo diet excludes many of my primary vegetarian forms of protein and amino acids that were most certainly harvested by paleolithic man. Lentils, I'm looking at you.

-HOWEVER- he just brought me a parchment paper cone of almonds that have been roasted in honey and cacao powder so I'm feeling magnanimous and will say that I do feel much brighter and perkier on the Paleo diet than when left to my own devices. But I still eat kimchi and rice with a fried egg for lunch most days.

3. Running - it's time to get right with my body and get back to the grind. Should I sign up for the Marine Corps Half Marathon or the Army Ten Miler to motivate myself? Or... since they're only a month apart from each other... both! Anyway, other than a weird allergic-reaction-even-though-I-didn't-touch-anything I had on my walk (and I am sure my bright red thighs and splotchy calves terrified the other pedestrians), I discovered a nice little path that is relatively flat, free of traffic, and, most importantly, a few miles long for nice introspective runs.

4. New House! - I'm scouring Craigslist for the items of furniture we are going to need for the new house (erm, that's 'need', #firstworldproblems anyone?). Oversized chair and ottoman may be on lock, still ISO side table(s?), china cabinet, dresser for husband, I'll know more when we get there.

5. Strings and things - almost done with what might be my favorite quilt to date. No fewer than nine piecing errors but I still love it. Pictures when it's washed so you can't see the oopsies as well.

6. Strings and things part 2 - almost done with a pair of socks for one of the most intelligent women I know. and by almost I mean almost done with one, but I'm pretty fast once I sit down and, you know, knit.

7. Strings and things part 3 - and now I'm struggling. Anyway, I'm going to attempt to knit two socks at a time after I've finished the pair above.

Five dollars or a pair of socks if you comment.

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