Thursday, July 24, 2014

where is my mind?

... certainly not on blogging right now.
then again, if one has nothing to say, why say anything?

the last week(s) have been full of me doing pretty much nothing - settling everything in to the house, hanging pictures (finally), getting used to my new car, and impatiently waiting to start my new job on MONDAY!

today I did a trial run of my commute at the time I would be heading to work. this means that your favorite late riser had to drag herself out of bed at 0645 - which is still not that early, but when one is used to 0900 wake up calls, even the enthusiasm of a new job is not enough motivation to pop out of bed like a toaster pastry.
the drive was easy, but long (66.3 miles each way! I could take ten miles off that by going a different route, but it wouldn't have any affect on the commute time-wise); having a book on tape made the drive go by quickly enough. I am a bit anxious about becoming disenchanted with the drive, but at the same time, anything I would be likely to find in Fayetteville would take almost as long to get there due to traffic and lights. for example, tomorrow I have to go in to the dealer and pick up my North Carolina license plate (BOOO! HISSS!! Bring back the Washington plates!). the dealer is only 20 miles away, but it is going to take me at least 45 minutes to get down there, and it's still closer than a lot of businesses I initially applied at.

anyway. it's still weird to not be driving my Jeep any more. I'm surprised at how emotional I've been over the situation, because I've wanted a new car for months now. I miss having a 6 cylinder engine - I've had to readjust my expectations of how quickly the car accelerates and when the distance between oncoming vehicles is too short for me to pull out into traffic. I miss being up high, and having the ability to get out of blocked parking spots by going over the curb in front of me without worrying about damaging the trim. since I wanted something under $12,000 that we could get paid off in four years, even without my future income, I didn't hold out for any of the bells and whistles that I was hoping for besides a sunroof. it has been very nice to have my iPod again, though. and, without a doubt, the gas mileage is exceptional. ... but I still miss my Jeep. I hope I'll start to like my car soon.

and that's the news from Lake Wobegon. 

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