Sunday, July 27, 2014

only the lonely

being an Army wife is very lonely sometimes.
we've moved twice since December - it's been almost eight months since I've had a friend in the same physical location.

aside from the moving,
most Army wives don't work, especially not full-time.
they have time for spouses' clubs
FRG meetings
hey, let's get together for lunch or work out together some time
it hurts to see all the other wives of the unit getting to hang out together,
without getting so much as a text message invitation.

and now almost all of my friends are pregnant or parents,
which seems to isolate me even further - 
let's get together for a play date
I met her in the OB/GYN clinic, we were due the same month
sorry we haven't been in touch, life with kids is so busy

at least I start work again tomorrow.

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