Thursday, June 4, 2015

time - is not on my side

annnd just like that it's June. How did that happen?

I've been a little bit cagey lately, mostly because I don't want to jinx anything, but Husband has received his official end date of Active Duty service, and we've been in Go Mode since we got the date.

We are in the process of purchasing a cute little condo back in Washington, and I've transitioned from the company I worked for in Raleigh to the company I'll be working for after we move. As of right now I work from home, which has its ups and downs. I really love not having a 65 mile (each way!) commute, getting to sleep in relatively late, and wearing my pajamas to work if I feel like it - although I try to get dressed in work clothes anyway, to keep myself in Work Mode. Conversely, I will be very excited to get to see and talk to my coworkers, to leave the house, and to pass a STARBUCKS on the way out of my neighborhood! The only Starbucks on my drive to Raleigh was two miles away from work. I look forward to getting caffeine in my system long before I'm expected to think or react to work surprises!

Husband meets with Transportation next week to formally schedule moving dates, which will be fantastic. We are beyond ready to get past the 'wait' of this hurry-up-and-wait decision!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi! I just wanted to thank you for sharing your tip on my latest mystery prize monday post. I took your advice and made this white sauce pasta chicken dish thing which was very complicated for me! You were right, I was totally absorbed in the task, and afterwards I felt extremely satisfied. Thank you for your advice. I see that this post was written back in June, so perhaps you're back in Washington now, if so- say hello for me! And I hope you get all the starbucks your heart desires.
    -Melina from
