Saturday, June 21, 2014

one week down, one to go

it's been a quiet week in the basement suite, with the exception of the new hole in our new air mattress (thanks, Radar). obviously the patch kit included was top-of-the-line magic tape, which lasted all of four seconds, and more aggressive approaches (duct tape and super glue, duct tape and 9001 glue) have helped, but there's still a slow leak that leaves us in a semi-hammock by morning. we never end up fully on the ground, which is good, but I get the feeling Husband will soon leave for greener pastures in the form of a guest bed upstairs.

I think my interviews went better than I imagined - at the very least, I'm confident that I come off well in an interview.
1. - I received a secondary, formal application for the first interview.
I'm a little nervous about my chances for this position, since it is something I have no exact experience with, but I hope I accurately conveyed that I can be taught and am willing to learn. I should know by the end of next week about this one.
2. - I left the second interview with an offer, which was lovely, but at the same time... It's retail again, not a career-based endeavor, and while the hours are full time, the pay is more closely aligned with part time retail.
3. - This position sounds quite similar to what I was doing previously, so at least I won't be out of my element. I hope. The regional recruiter I spoke to said that my qualifications were good, and that she would be passing my information to the local office, so I will either get a phone call for an in-person interview early next week or... Or not, I suppose. 

Other than that, just one more week until we get our new house and our stuff back.

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