Sunday, June 29, 2014

Countdown Clock

Tomorrow - second in-person interview, third interview total. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF PEEEEEEEEETE, please.

Tuesday - KEYS! HOUSE!


Thursday's pretty quiet, so depending on the new after tomorrow's interview, there will either be an entire day devoted to unpacking or I'll need to go car searching. (First World Problem: But I don't want to drive a caaaaaaar, I like my Jeep! But if I'm going to be driving 50 miles each direction... I'm going to need something that gets better than "up to" 22 mpg.) I've got it narrowed down to the Chevy Cruze (which my little sister drives! but I'm not super excited about the airbag thing), the VW Jetta, or the Toyota Camry.

Friday - FAVORITEST HOLIDAY EVER, 4th of July!! 38 Special and Josh Turner are going to be playing at the Ft Bragg festival, I hope we get a chance to check that out. Josh Turner's voice gives me chills in the best way!

Saturday - my new chair and ottoman will be delivered!

And it will all be downhill from there.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

fun over

Ok, now this PCS is getting to me.

I want a call about my interviews.
I want a job.
A hard one, that challenges me to learn new things and improve every day.
I want to get out of this basement.
I want my real bed.
I want to find where the damn hole is in this air mattress.

I want my treadmill.
I want my routine.
I want to run until I feel like me again.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

one week down, one to go

it's been a quiet week in the basement suite, with the exception of the new hole in our new air mattress (thanks, Radar). obviously the patch kit included was top-of-the-line magic tape, which lasted all of four seconds, and more aggressive approaches (duct tape and super glue, duct tape and 9001 glue) have helped, but there's still a slow leak that leaves us in a semi-hammock by morning. we never end up fully on the ground, which is good, but I get the feeling Husband will soon leave for greener pastures in the form of a guest bed upstairs.

I think my interviews went better than I imagined - at the very least, I'm confident that I come off well in an interview.
1. - I received a secondary, formal application for the first interview.
I'm a little nervous about my chances for this position, since it is something I have no exact experience with, but I hope I accurately conveyed that I can be taught and am willing to learn. I should know by the end of next week about this one.
2. - I left the second interview with an offer, which was lovely, but at the same time... It's retail again, not a career-based endeavor, and while the hours are full time, the pay is more closely aligned with part time retail.
3. - This position sounds quite similar to what I was doing previously, so at least I won't be out of my element. I hope. The regional recruiter I spoke to said that my qualifications were good, and that she would be passing my information to the local office, so I will either get a phone call for an in-person interview early next week or... Or not, I suppose. 

Other than that, just one more week until we get our new house and our stuff back.

Friday, June 13, 2014

the fun has arrived


here we are at Ft Bragg/Fayetteville, North Carolina.


There isn't too much to report at the moment: after a nice week in Kentucky with family, the move went relatively smoothly. The movers only took one day to pack and one day to load, so we found ourselves with an air mattress, two suitcases, and a clean apartment late Tuesday night. We spent our last few meals at restaurants we had not managed to stop into yet - if you're ever in downtown Columbia, SC, please do yourself a favor and stop in to Bourbon on Main Street. Order anything with the Cajun pimento cheese (which I will be attempting to recreate at the soonest possible interval) and try not to let your head explode at the four page bourbon menu - and enjoyed walking around what will likely be the only time in our lives we get to live in a downtown atmosphere. I can hold out hope that some company in Chicago will offer Husband oodles of money, but it's a pipe dream. We then stuffed suitcases and felines into vehicles and made the delightfully quick drive north, arriving just in time to head out to dinner with Aunt N. 

Aunt N and Uncle J are also stationed at Ft Bragg, and he is currently deployed. Aunt N has graciously allowed us to stay with her for the next two weeks until our new home is ready, so we have a suite in the basement to share with the cats. It's actually a pretty sweet set up - the air mattress I bought is about 18" off the ground, so we aren't afraid of leaking air and waking up with butts on the floor like we were with the last one. We have a full bathroom and a spare area to put the cats' accoutrements in, and we remembered to set aside the XBOX and smaller TV that Husband used in his room at Ft Lewis, so we have a few terabytes worth of movies and TV shows to watch (a bonus of deployments - people rip books, movies, and TV shows to external hard drives to take with them overseas, which get passed around until one either runs out of space on their hard drive or ends up with enough entertainment to get through an apocalypse...) I also downloaded twelve new books on to my Kindle from said hard drive, so we're not hurting for stuff to do if we decide to take a little time to ourselves. Oh, and of course I brought yarn. We're a little bit frustrated about having to learn a whole new installation and surrounding area, and of course we miss our friends and work networks (interchangeable phrases for the most part) a ton already.

Husband is going to begin inprocessing on Monday, and we're going to spend the next two weeks getting familiar with Fayetteville, Ft Bragg, and trying to wrap our heads around what we will be calling home for the next few years. Bonus round: I'm feeling like a badass because I have not one, not two, but THREE job interviews next week! Mom's sending good job vibes to me from Chicago, but I'm feeling rather pleased to just have interviews - THREE TIMES AS MANY AS THE LAST TIME I WAS SERIOUSLY JOB HUNTING!! OH - and Husband let me go shopping today, and I found some super cute skirts, a dress, and a lace top at Loft for less than the original price of the lace top. 

Basically, winning.