Monday, September 22, 2014

stop the world, it's time to get off

have you ever been on a merry-go-round, having the time of your life,
when all of a sudden - 
you need to get off the ride, right this second?

well, Husband dropped the minor bombshell that he might be getting tired of playing soldier
and he wants to see what life is like on The Outside. 

the process to separate takes nine months to one year, but you don't know Husband.
Husband wants out TOMORROW.

so, obviously, I've been freaking out just a wee bit.
he's researching Masters programs, 
going to job fairs to see what the market looks like,
researching the areas we'd potentially like to move to
(it's actually quite exciting to think we could choose our location)
and making a timeline,
but (having done it three times, twice this year alone)
we know starting over is never fun,
and this time it will be without the income and benefits we are used to.

did I mention I've been freaking out a bit?

Husband always seems to land on his feet, so let's hope his lucky rabbit foot didn't hop away.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

For Better or For Worse

I've been having a Criminal Minds marathon this weekend while knitting baby gifts for friends. I quite like crime dramas, and both Husband and I enjoy watching the BAU work through what makes these criminals tick. Plus the characters themselves are so well-written and interesting!

One of the pivotal characters is Aaron Hotch, the leader of the group. He is my favorite out of all of them, most likely because he reminds me of Husband: stoic, serious, ridiculously intelligent... and damn handsome. Part of the story of his character involves his relationship with his wife, Hayley. I won't give away the resolution to the issue, but the writers spend a lot of time focusing on how much Hayley resents Hotch and his work at the BAU because it takes his time away from his family... and that infuriates me.

She constantly asks him to choose between work and his family. I'm entirely aware of the difficulties she endures and the frustration she must feel, however - she married him knowing full well the scope and unpredictability of his job in the BAU. She has to be aware not only that he is passionate about the work he does, and he is very good at, and it's a very important job that stops people from killing other people. SERIOUSLY, WOMAN? How on earth can you ask that of someone you allegedly love? How can you ask them to give up a part of themselves, something that makes them who they are? What gives you the right to dictate his life? You're his wife, yes, and you certainly ought to have a vote, but how can you ask your husband to stop being who he is? Don't you realize that forcing him to give up something he so obviously cares about and is adept at will lead him to resent you and be miserable in whatever job he takes next?

Maybe I'm crazy, or is this just a side effect of being a military spouse? Have I given up any hope of control of my life or my husband's schedule?

Monday, September 1, 2014

Mt Rogers, Virginia

Good friends of ours invited us to go camping over Labor Day weekend -
they're some of our favorite people,
and we've loved watching their children grow over the last five years. 
It's so fun to think of how different the kids were when we first met them: 
Their oldest was only six weeks old!!

While we were there,
Husband and I took a quick hike along a few miles of the Appalachian Trail to see the summit of Mt Rogers, the highest peak in Virginia.

The hike started off with beautiful views!

Wild ponies at Massey Gap.

Picking up the Appalachian Trail!
You can see the white blazes that mark the trail,
all 2,000 miles (give-or-take).

There were so many beautiful vistas,
and climbing up a few extra feet earned one an even better vantage point.

About 75% of my hikes with my husband have this view.
He turns around to check on me every half mile or so,
more frequently if we are headed uphill and he knows I'm going to have trouble breathing.

Made it!

The view from the summit may not be the most spectacular mountain top I've ever seen,
but it's nice to block-check a state's high point.
If you're keeping track, that's two high points for my husband - Mt Raininer and Mt Rogers - and one for me.

Still - I've summited three mountains now, which is a nice starting point.